GOondulina's world(:
Ah mIn...DArLin...n my best crappy partnr...haha i lyk the way she laugh coz it makes mi laugh also wahaha
My bEst fren cum sis ever man...juz lyk her haha...take care man!
Ah sweet rite...both sapphire sia... so romantic...muack...
haha Special effect man...not ghost hor...>.< wif tt specs...woohoo...great man...
oPps sorry guyz u hab to tilt ur head a lil haha...
sry for e inconvience caused wahahaha
look lyk ape meh...ah liNg say look lyk leh...wuhuu~~~
yEah yeAh...mi lah...haha...look lyk a kid ar...
anyway i m not old also mah...=P bleh